What Sam says
Overheard in the Wolfe House #258
Sam (finishing a yawn): Oh my, that was a heavy one.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #257
Sam (suddenly stomping upstairs): Oh! Ack! Ack!
Peggy and Paige: What is it? What’s wrong?
Sam: I’m eating a bug.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #256
Sam (as Pandora ventures to other artists on an Enya holiday station): You can’t listen to that when you’re depressed. It makes it worse.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #255
Sam (to himself, upstairs): It’s a big day today. That’s right. It’s MY day!
Peggy (after he comes downstairs): Happy Birthday, Sam!
Overheard in the Wolfe House #254
Peggy (on the way home from seeing Frozen): Did you enjoy it?
Sam: Well, it wasn’t too bad.
Letter to Santa
In 1993, Argyle still had a free weekly community paper, The Argyle Sun. Each Christmas they ran letters to Santa from the kids. Some children conveniently numbered each item on their lists, but a boy named Jimmy didn’t. The Sun still printed the entire 30-item list, in all caps, with the plurals attached by apostrophes.
Sam was only 6 years old when he “mailed” this letter at the Argyle Post Office and it later appeared in the Sun:
Dear Santa
My nam is SamW. I would likem more
Thank You
Overheard in the Wolfe House #253
Sam: I think Jack Ruby overdid it.
Peggy: Yes. Yes, he did.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #251
Sam (as contestant solves the puzzle, “The sixth sense of direction,” on Wheel of Fortune): I don’t think that should’ve been a Before-and-After.
Peggy: Why not?
Sam: Because when you have a sixth sense, it’s usually a sense of direction.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #250
Sam (seeing an email address found via gmail search): Do you know how to export that contact?
Peggy: Can’t I just write it down for you on a piece of paper?