Random thoughts on the 7th running of the Denton Turkey Trot

Four years may have gone by, but the climbs make old memories rush out front. Denton is not flat. Run uphill from Quakertown Park to Texas Woman’s University to hear a volunteer tell you “it’s all downhill from here.”

Heading to the finish line

But you tell the kids running alongside, who are wondering aloud, are there are more hills? yes, yes there are. There’s another short climb in Pioneer Woman Circle and a big climb up to and around the Square at the end.

And you tell your inner voice that it’s not the Horsetooth Half, so quit complaining and keep running.

It’s a misty, rainy morning and some people wear gear and some don’t. If we were in the Keys, I wouldn’t wear gear. I don’t know how to make that decision. Except to shed mine after the first climb because it’s warm and it stopped raining.

People run together. People pass each other. People watch and cheer for friends and family at the finish line. People mix and mingle around the tent with the bananas, mandarins, granola bars and bottles of Ozarka, taking pictures and waiting for race results. Maybe we are starting to figure out how to commune with each other again. This is my first race since the pandemic. I feel as if I’m still watching through the glass. But I’ll sign up for another race soon to help that feeling pass.

And there’s Sam, crossing the finish line. He’s not a runner, so he walked the trot. But last week, he and his brother rode 30 miles in the Denton Turkey Roll. They’re communing too.



  1. Ann Hatch on November 26, 2022 at 8:28 pm

    Finding a new normal that fits. I think we’re all doing this in ways that work. Sounds like you’re all finding that comfort zone together!

    • Peggy on November 26, 2022 at 11:44 pm

      Ann, I’m still reluctant to do some things, even though I’m seeing how that reluctance contributes to the “looking through the window” feeling. But chipping away at it seems the right strategy.

  2. Nancy LeMay on November 26, 2022 at 11:38 pm

    “See Peggy Run” could be your next book title. 😉 Seriously, I love this peek into your and your family sharing the active life. Go Peggy! Go Sam!

    • Peggy on November 26, 2022 at 11:41 pm

      See Peggy Run Not Very Fast. But, as Susan says, fun lasts longer than fast.

  3. matthew p voegtle on November 29, 2022 at 9:45 pm

    Awesome Peggy!!! Your Sis and I ran one too.

    • Peggy on December 1, 2022 at 3:54 am

      Glad you two had some fun.

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