Suggested questions to read and discuss Between Now and Dreams

Shahla has developed book club questions for professionals who are reading Responsible and Responsive Parenting in Autism: Between Now and Dreams

I developed a set for families. As a downloaded PDF here, RRPA Book Club Family Questions, or as below

  • How do the authors view autism? Did this view help you see your child’s journey in a new way? Describe.
  • The authors state that the advances in autism, “… bring a paradox of clarity and confusion”. What advances have you found confusing? What advances brought clarity? Did you feel the same way about those advances after you read the book? Why or why not?
  • Did you find the descriptions of scientific learning and of applied behavior analysis helpful? The authors describe applied behavior analysis as a “science of love and change.” Do you think this is the case? Why or why not?
  • Have you ever found unexpected wisdom the way the authors describe — where you have learned a general lesson that applies to your parenting? What is the power in learning this way?
  • Why is sustainability important in autism treatment? Does that shift your long-term perspective about your child’s services?
  • Give examples of some of the potentially hazardous and halcyon attitudes you’ve seen in the people who work with your child. Give examples of some of your own.
  • Imitation is a concept discussed throughout the book. What are the relationships between imitation and reciprocity? How does this translate to sustainability?
  • In the context of fostering resilience, the authors talk about “bumper guards”. What are some of the reasons and ways that we introduce and remove bumpers into our child’s life? When are we most and least likely to do this?
  • Scouting is presented as important in nurturing a child over time. Have you ever scouted for your child? How were the activities similar or different to those described in the book?
  • Did you think of your child’s autism as being the worst thing that has happened to your family? Has the book changed that perspective?
  • The authors describe love’s dark side as feelings that flag poor conditions? What poor conditions did anger, shame, or disgust flag for you?
  • How have you made meaning in your family? How has that helped love grow in your family?
  • On the final pages, the authors describe the need for both science and inspiration? Do you agree? Why or why not?






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