Autism and wandering
Autism parents are strong, but there are so few resources.
Confessions of a second-grader #9
May 2, 1996
My favorite balanced meal is cookies.
May 14, 1996
May favorite after-school snack is prunes. A healthy snack would be apples.
May 21, 1996
My favorite part of field day was water balloons. Next year at field day, I want to see lots of shade.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #223
Peggy: So you ended up going to work today? Made a little extra money?
Sam: Yep. Six hours of extra money.
Confessions of a second-grader #8
April 10, 1996
When I have a test, I have a zero voice.
April 24, 1996
One thing that I’ve always wanted to do is ride a bike.
April 25, 1996
If I could go to work with my mom or dad, I would go with my mom because I like to go to school with my mom.
Confessions of a second-grader #7
February 27, 1996
I wish Michael’s clock was working! It needs a new battery.
March 12, 1996
Yesterday I got Michael’s clock working. I put in the new battery.
March 13, 1996
I like the mountains because they’re big and tall. I like the ones with the grass. I like the ones in Colorado.
Confessions of a second-grader #6
February 8, 1996
The best thing that has ever happened to me was I got to go to school.
February 9, 1996
This morning I came to school late because Mom lost her keys.
February 20, 1996
On my three-day weekend, I moved into the new house.
Parenting is a contact sport
Some people like to claim their gray hair comes from things their kids did. I see my scars and remember.
I have a long skinny scar that runs from knuckle to knuckle on my ring finger that came while digging in the garden with Michael. He felt so badly when he saw that his little shovel missed its mark and drew blood.
I was surprised how strong he was.
I’ve got a knot on my forehead from trying to help build a fence for the cashmere goats, a 4H project that lived here for 5-6 years. I got clubbed so hard by a round of woven fence wire that was hung up on a t-pole — almost spring-loaded, like a giant mousetrap — that it should’ve killed me. But the kids were all standing there, so I told myself to take the hit and keep on ticking.
Today I went to work with an odd-looking burn on my chin, like a permanent dribble of hot chocolate. I thought for sure at least Bj would say something, but no one asked.
Last night, Sam was determined to learn how to cook fish tacos. He dropped in the first battered fish strip from such a height, the frying oil splashed. Sam got a few splashes on his arm and I took one on the chin. But by the third strip, he was dropping it in perfectly.
Like Jason Robards character said in Parenthood, parenting is “like your Aunt Edna’s ass. It goes on forever and it’s just as frightening” and is unlike football, since there’s no end zone where you get to spike the ball and do your little dance.
Except he missed the part where parenting is a contact sport.
Confessions of a second-grader #5
January 24, 1996
I love Texas because people are nice.
January 25, 1996
I liked the laser light show because the lights went round and round very fast.
January 29, 1996
This weekend my family and I watched the Superbowl! I went to my new house and saw the fans.
February 1, 1996
Friendship is like Sam D.
Confessions of a second-grader #4
December 14, 1995
My favorite Christmas song is Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer. It’s because I like the words.
January 3, 1996
On my Christmas vacation, I went to Colorado to see Grandma and Grandpa. My favorite Christmas gift was a home planetarium.
January 10, 1996
Today I feel happy because I like soap.
Confessions of a second-grader #3
(In November, the teacher, Diane Beaver, writes in several places of Sam’s journal that he’s coming up with the sentences all on his own.)
October 25, 1995
Under my bed there are boys.
November 7, 1995
It wasn’t my fault when I flipped my pencil across the room.
November 17, 1995
I’m so thankful for my special friends. They help me play toys.