Overheard in the Wolfe House #169
Peggy: That’s a brand-new baby over there. Do you want to go see?
Random Thoughts from the Grassland Half
There are people who can run 37 more miles than you and still get to the finish line before you do. The last mile is longer than the first four. Stay far ahead of the guy whose t-shirt says “Pappa Joe.” The LBJ Grasslands are not flat — as in, climb every mountain; ford every stream. Don’t run up a hill unless you can see the top. Trail runners will tell you “good job” even when you’re walking. Compressors are just as loud on the prairie as they are next to your house. The Grasslands are also flammable. Don’t get between a mamma cow and her calf. Try not to think about all the wild hog tracks you are following. You learned the best survival lessons in kindergarten: carry jelly beans and eat the peanut butter crackers at the aid station.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #168
Sam: I’m reading about an OS that can run your lights and ceiling fans and other household appliances and stuff.
Disappearing stairs and the washing machine
When I was a little girl, I had a recurring nightmare that always began in the basement of our townhouse (We lived in Milwaukee. Townhouses had basements.)
Waiting for the cable guy
Yesterday, I had the pleasure of calling Tom “Smitty” Smith for a story I was working on. He’s with the Texas office of Public Citizen and I always learn something when I talk to him.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #167
Sam: (after describing overhearing a co-worker tell a manager he wouldn’t be able to work the next day) … and I wanted to tell you that I might be working tonight, because I’m getting better at seeing context around me.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #166
Sam: Do you know about the website, ready.gov?
Resource Fair tomorrow
I went to this fair last year. It’s huge. If it exists, you will find it here.
SEPTSA’s 5th Annual Special Needs Resource Fair
Saturday March 3rd, 2012 – 10 am to 2 pm
Where: Bolin Administrative Center, 1565 West Main Street, Lewisville, 75067
Map here
Thank you to our Media Sponsor,
…for helping us spread the word and reach more families!
Exhibitor Reservation Information and Registration here
Download a flyer to print or share here!
If you have questions, contact Jeannette Robichaux at (972) 310-2922
Families from LISD as well as surrounding communities are invited to attend. There will be exhibitors relating to all ages and abilities, and everyone is welcome. We are inviting various recreation providers, therapists, summer camps, lawyers, financial planners, and professionals that serve the Special Needs community to come share their information with students and families, as well as educators.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #165
Peggy: Everybody makes mistakes, Sam. I made a $400 one when I dropped my phone. I’ll never make that mistake again (shaking the Otter Box).
Overheard in the Wolfe House #164
Sam: I’ll call the dentist tomorrow and schedule an appointment for Thursday.