What Sam says
Overheard in the Wolfe House #210
Peggy: Oops. Sorry. Dancing again.
Sam: I don’t know what kind of music plays in your head.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #209
Sam (after nearly 20 years with Riding Unlimited): As I was leaving, I took one last look around at the place.
Peggy: Were you sad?
Sam: Not really. I’ll still see Pat at Chisholm Challenge and Special O. I get to see Tracy and Anita and Mary again. (pauses) I couldn’t give that up.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #208
Overheard in the Wolfe House #207
Peggy: Here. I finally sewed that button on your shorts.
Sam: It’s too late now. It’s November.
What color is your agitator?
When Sam was in elementary school, he often asked people what color their washing machine’s agitator was. You would be shocked — shocked, I tell you — how many people did not know the answer to this question.
Many times people were so loving and accommodating. If we were visiting, they would say, “Let’s go look,” and the whole crowd headed to the laundry room. Sam enjoyed that. If they didn’t know, and didn’t suggest to go look, he didn’t obsess over getting the answer. He had picked up enough social graces that he would simply move on. Often, at that point in the conversation, he would share the color of our washing machine’s agitator. For some reason, I was slightly embarrassed the first few times he shared that — even though I told myself that was not the same as sharing other details about the family laundry.
I was never quite sure of his motivations for gathering that information. I don’t remember when he stopped asking for it. I asked him about it a few nights ago and he remembered that it was something he was curious about. “I don’t remember when I lost interest,” he said. He doesn’t remember why, either.
Sam has been researching home automation systems lately. He thinks about accessibility. A person in a wheelchair can’t reach the controls, he says, and an automated system would let them operate appliances by remote control.
He’s so determined, even if it means teaching himself code, which he finds exacting — even for him.
He had been quiet about it for awhile, but I asked him about it again after this video showed up on the browser history when I came home from work.
(Other parents might have to worry about stumbling upon porn. I just get to see a washer with three speeds of spinning.)
I don’t mind him experimenting on our house. And I wonder about how to show off that quality to an employer. He’s a problem-solver.
The current color of my agitator, you ask?
Overheard in the Wolfe House #206
Sam (making pizza): When you’re a half-cup short on flour, you don’t have enough flour.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #205
Sam (holding a chunky bit): So what’s in this new jelly you made?
Peggy: That’s a cinnamon stick. It’s that Texas port wine jelly recipe I was telling you about. The recipe called for packing the sticks in with the jelly.
Sam: Well, I ate one already.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #203
Sam (echoing Mark, who often asked this question of the kids on the way home from church): So what did you learn today?
Peggy: Not much. The homily was too challenging. I tried and tried, but I couldn’t figure out what he was saying.
Sam: Me, neither.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #202
Peggy: Oh, no. The clerk put the onions on top of the bananas. I’ll bet they are bruised. I thought they told you about that at the store.
Sam: I’m very careful with produce, Mom. But sometimes they get frustrated with me because they want me to go faster.
Peggy: The customers? Or the managers?
Sam: It’s hard to pack fast and be careful with the produce. (pauses) Sometimes it’s very difficult to be a grocery sacker.
Overheard in the Wolfe House #201
Sam (after the overhead fan above the oven trips on): So how long will it take to clean the oven?
Peggy: About two-and-a-half hours.
Sam: If it trips the carbon monoxide alarm, we will have to go outside right away.
Peggy (laughing): Yeah, Sam, the oven is pretty dirty, but it’s not that dirty.